【논문】 NDRG1 enhances the sensitivity of cetuximab by modulating EGFR trafficking in colorectal cancer
Yang, G., Huang, L., Jia, H., Aikemu, B., Zhang, S., Shao, Y., ... & Ma, J. (2021). NDRG1 enhances the sensitivity of cetuximab by modulating EGFR trafficking in colorectal cancer. Oncogene, 40(41), 5993-6006. 1. CTX ―⊕→ resistance to CTX⑴ competitive binding of CTX to EGFR ―⊝→ EGF downstream signaling (in vitro)⑵ ↓ EGF downstream signaling ―⊕→ resistance to CTX⑶ EGF downstream signaling = RAS/R..
【논문】 Smart 131I-Labeled Self-Illuminating Photosensitizers for Deep TumorTherapy
Guo, J., Feng, K., Wu, W., Ruan, Y., Liu, H., Han, X., ... & Sun, X. (2021). Smart 131I labeled self‐illuminating photosensitizers for deep tumor imaging guided therapy. Angewandte Chemie.1 1. 개요 2. 결과 3. 한계 1. 개요 ⑴ PDT(photodynamic therapy) ① 원리 : 빛을 받으면 PS(photosensitizer)가 활성산소(reactive oxygen species, ROS)를 방출하는 것을 이용 ② 장점 : spatial selectivity와 temporal selectivity가 높아 각광받고 있음 ③ 경우 1. 가시광선,..
【논문】 In vivo integrity of polymer-coated gold nanoparticles
Kreyling, W. G., Abdelmonem, A. M., Ali, Z., Alves, F., Geiser, M., Haberl, N., ... & Parak, W. J. (2015). In vivo integrity of polymer-coated gold nanoparticles. Nature nanotechnology, 10(7), 619-623. 1. 제법 ⑴ 입자 ① 111In : 반감기가 2.8일 ② 198Au : 반감기가 2.697일 ○ 197Au에서 neutron-activation으로 생성됨 ○ 안정하므로 Au core에서 198Au가 유리되는 것을 염두하지 않아도 됨 2. biodistribution ⑴ free 111In ion과 111In-DTPA complex ① free 1..